Important :You must follow this step-by-step guide to ensure a correct initial setup and have the best experience.
This is the Usage Documentation for WhatsApp CRM.
In this documentation, you will find a detailed user manual where you can learn to:
- Initial Setup
- Connect Multiple WhatsApp Accounts
- Mass Messaging
- Multi-Operator Contact Management
- Create Message Templates
- Using the WEB WhatsApp Gateway API
If you are unfamiliar with the procedures outlined, our support team can assist you. Technical Support
Terms of Use
Copyright Disclaimer
This project is not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with WhatsApp Inc. or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates. The official WhatsApp website can be found at "WhatsApp," as well as related names, marks, emblems, and images, are registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Create an Account in WhatsApp CRM
Creating an account in WhatsApp CRM is very easy; simply go to the registration page and fill in the requested details.
Go to Register Create your account.

Note : You must use a valid email address to activate your account.
Log In
You can access your WhatsApp CRM account by logging in. Fill out the login form with your email address and password, then click the LOGIN button.
Go to Login and log in to your WEB account.

Note : If you forgot your password, go to
Technical Support and request a password reset.
Initial Setup
is a powerful tool that requires an initial setup to maximize the benefits of each function. Before getting started, we need to complete a few simple tasks. WaboTify
After logging in, go to Settings on your left-side menu within WaboTify.

Scroll down the side menu until you find the Settings section

Click on the CONFIGURATIONS button

Inside the settings page, you will find the OPTIONS table

In the Options section, you will find a series of important configurations
1. Evaluations: Enable this to automatically send a feedback option (Satisfied, Dissatisfied, Very Satisfied) when resolving a conversation.
2. Schedule Management: Activating this option allows you to automate an absence message and set a service time window when creating a new department.
3. Ignore Group Posts: WaboTify Ignore messages from groups. Keeping it disabled allows you to see group messages in the chat under the Groups section.
4. Accept Call: When this option is disabled, all WhatsApp calls will receive a default message informing that calls are not accepted on that account.
5. Chatbot Type: This option lets you determine the chatbot model. Currently, only text support is natively available.
6. Send Greeting When Accepting Conversation: This option enables automatic messages to be sent when conversations are accepted. By default, the user will receive an automated message..
7. Send Message When Transferring Department/Agent: This option activates predefined messages for users when their conversation is transferred to another agent or department.
Note : Each change is saved automatically.
A Support Department
Creating a new department is a support line. It is important to create one as it allows directing customers to the correct operators/agents. It also enables assigning specific WhatsApp accounts to handle each department/queue.
Go to Departments and ChatBot Create a new department/queue.
Click the ADD DEPARTMENT button in the top right corner.

A pop-up window will appear with options to create a new department. You must fill out these fields correctly.
1. Name: This information will be presented to the user to select this section and be attended to by the department of their interest.
2. Color: It is important to choose a color that will help identify conversations based on the department.
3. Position: Here you can determine the order in which the department appears in the bots options message. You can reorganize all departments by simply changing their position using numbers, e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (you must not repeat numbers, as each department can only have one position number).
4. Welcome Message: This message is what the user will receive upon selecting this department/queue.
5. Out-of-Hours Message: This message will only work if service hours are enabled in the previous settings and the service hours are configured (if enabled, you should see the option at the top of the current settings window).

If you activated schedules by department, you can add opening and closing hours for each department separately.

Note : Don’t forget to click the add button for the schedules if activated, as it is not auto-saved. To create an auto-reply bot, follow these steps
Register a WhatsApp Account
supports multiple WhatsApp accounts, and you must log in by scanning a QR code.
Start FreeVe a Connections and create a new session by registering and configuring a WhatsApp account.
Click the Add WhatsApp button in the top right corner.

Fill out the information to create the auto-reply configuration.
- 1. Name: This name helps identify the WhatsApp account in other configurations and as a label in chats.
- 2. Default: Enabling this option will make this WhatsApp account the default in all configurations.
- 3. Welcome Message: This message is the first thing clients will receive when they contact your WhatsApp account automatically.
- 4. End Conversation Message: This message is automatically sent to the client when their conversation is resolved..
- 5. Out-of-Hours Message: This message will be sent to clients if the service hours configuration is active and set for each department, and this WhatsApp account is configured for that department.
- 6. Evaluation Message: Clients will receive this message if the evaluation configuration is enabled.
- 7. Token: The token is a key that authorizes external API usage with your WhatsApp account and the native API offor external implementations.
- 8. Department: Here you can add the departments you want this WhatsApp account to handle. A single WhatsApp account can handle multiple departments.
- 9. Prompt: Here you can add prompts for your OpenAI integration. Don’t worry, you can always return and add new prompts later.
- 10. Department Redirection: You can add redirection for conversations where the client stops responding or doesn’t select a department. This applies when automated bots are handling the conversation, allowing redirection to another department after a certain period of inactivity.
- 11. Redirection Time:Specify the time the bot should wait before redirecting the conversation to the selected department. Choose a number representing the minutes.
- 12. Save:Don’t forget to save your configuration.
After completing and saving the configurations, click the QR Code button.

A QR Code window will appear, and you must scan it from your device within the WhatsApp application underSettings
->Linked Devices
->Link a Device
->Scan it with your mobile device

Note : Wait until the device fully synchronizes the login.
Ajouter des Opérateurs
Les opérateurs représentent votre équipe de travail.
Pour ajouter un nouvel opérateur, allez à Menu latéral
->Ajouter un Utilisateur
dans le coin supérieur droit.

1. Nom : Ceci est le nom de votre opérateur
2. Mot de passe : Créez un mot de passe pour la connexion (au moins 6 caractères)
3. Email : L’email utilisé pour se connecter
4. Profil : Cette option indique les privilèges de l’opérateurUtilisateur
: Service client Admin
: Privilèges d’administrateur
5. Département : Chaque opérateur peut gérer un ou plusieurs départements créés préalablement
6. Connexion par Défaut : Attribuer une ligne par défaut à un opérateur pour qu’il gère uniquement les conversations de ce compte WhatsApp
7. Ajouter : Enregistrez les modifications
Note : Si vous laissez l’opérateur sans département attribué, il pourra voir les conversations non affectées. Vous pouvez également ne pas assigner de connexion par défaut, les conversations assignées au département géré par l’opérateur seront accessibles.
Ajouter des Étiquettes
Les étiquettes sont un outil très utile pour segmenter les conversations et regrouper les utilisateurs afin de mieux contrôler et visualiser le flux des clients.
Pour créer des étiquettes, allez à Étiquettes dans le menu latéral gauche de votre tableau de bord.

Appuyez sur le bouton NOUVELLE ÉTIQUETTE en haut à droite

Remplissez les champs
1. Nom : Nom affiché comme identifiant de l’étiquette pour l’associer à une conversation
2. Couleur : La couleur sert à différencier les étiquettes pour une gestion visuelle plus simple
3. Enregistrer l’Étiquette : N’oubliez pas d’enregistrer l’étiquette en cliquant sur le bouton Enregistrer

Note : Chaque étiquette doit avoir un nom et une couleur uniques. Si l’étiquette est destinée à une conversation, l’option Entonnoir ne doit pas être sélectionnée. Nous verrons ensuite les étiquettes d’entonnoir.
Ajouter des Étiquettes d’Entonnoir
Les étiquettes d’entonnoir ont une double fonction et se créent de la même manière que les étiquettes classiques pour les conversations.
- Pour créer une étiquette d’entonnoir, allez à Étiquettes dans le menu latéral gauche.

- Pour créer une étiquette d’entonnoir, appuyez sur le bouton NOUVELLE ÉTIQUETTE en haut à droite et remplissez les champs requis.

Remplissez les champs

- 1. Nom : Nom affiché comme identifiant de l’étiquette pour l’associer à une conversation
- 2. Couleur :La couleur sert à différencier les étiquettes pour une gestion visuelle plus simple
- 3. Enregistrer l’Étiquette : N’oubliez pas d’enregistrer l’étiquette en cliquant sur le bouton Enregistrer
- Pour créer une étiquette d’entonnoir, appuyez sur le bouton en haut à droite et remplissez les champs requis.
Remplissez les champs

Note : Les étiquettes d’entonnoir ou de chat peuvent être ajoutées depuis la barre Tag dans la fenêtre de chat avec le client. Vous pouvez insérer plusieurs étiquettes manuellement, mais si ce sont des étiquettes d’entonnoir, le chat sera dupliqué dans les colonnes d’entonnoir.
Réponses Rapides
Les réponses rapides permettent aux opérateurs de créer des réponses standardisées accessibles via des mots-clés, accélérant ainsi les interactions avec les clients (salutations, demandes d’informations, procédures, etc.).
Allez à votre menu Réponses Rapides dans votre tableau de bord pour créer une réponse rapide.
Cliquez sur le bouton AJOUTER et entrez les informations
Raccourci: Réfère au mot-clé pour retrouver la réponse dans le chat (minimum 3 lettres)
Message : Rédigez le message que vous souhaitez enregistrer. Il peut contenir des emojis et des variables.
Variables : Les variables servent à personnaliser vos messages. Pour insérer une variable, placez le curseur dans le texte et cliquez sur la variable souhaitée pour l’insérer automatiquement.
Global : Indique la disponibilité de la réponse rapide, vous pouvez l’activer ou la désactiver.
Bouton Joindre : Vous pouvez joindre un fichier comme des photos, vidéos ou tout autre support compatible avec WhatsApp à vos réponses rapides.
Enregistrer : Enregistrez la réponse rapide. Vous pourrez la modifier ou la supprimer plus tard depuis la liste.
Pour l’utiliser, tapez la barre “/” suivie du mot-clé dans la boîte de texte du chat avec le client. Une liste de réponses rapides disponibles s’affichera.

Recharger les Abonnements
Pour recharger votre abonnement, contactez le service administratif de WaboTify
Allez à WhatsApp et contactez l’administrateur.
Note: N’oubliez pas que vous disposez de 3 jours d’essai gratuit avec WaboTify
Rest API
Le module Rest API permet d’intégrer la fonction d’envoi de messages WhatsApp à d’autres systèmes via un point d’ancrage au format JSON, ce qui permet une utilisation flexible.
1 Create a Valid Token: Go to Connections, create or edit an existing connection to add a Token.
2 Add the Token: Add the token without using spaces.
3 Create Your Integration: You can create your integration using the endpoint data.
Go to Your Profile and retrieve the information.

Implementation Examples
$number = '447455941979';
$body = 'your message';
$url = ''; // API URL $token = 'Bearer 123456789'; // Registered Token
// Data to send in the request body $data = [
'number' => $number,
'body' => $body
// Convert data to JSON format $postData = json_encode($data);
// Initialize a cURL request $cURL = curl_init($url);
// Set cURL options curl_setopt($cURL, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($cURL, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, [
'Authorization: ' . $token,
'Content-Type: application/json'
curl_setopt($cURL, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($cURL, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postData);
// Execute the cURL request and obtain the response $response = curl_exec($cURL);
// Check for errors in the cURL request if(curl_errno($cURL)){
echo 'Error: ' . curl_error($cURL);
// Close the cURL request curl_close($cURL);
// Print the response echo $response;
"number": "447455941979",
"body": "your message",
"token": "Bearer 123456789"
React (Javascript):
import axios from 'axios';
const sendMessage = async () => {
const number = '447455941979';
const body = 'your message';
const token = 'Bearer 123456789';
try {
const response = await
{ number, body, token },
{ headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } }
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error:', error);
import requests
url = ''
token = 'Bearer 123456789'
number = '447455941979'
body = 'your message'
data = {
'number': number,
'body': body
headers = {
'Authorization': token,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
response =, json=data, headers=headers)
require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'openssl'
require 'json'
url = URI("")
http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
token = 'Bearer 123456789'
number = '447455941979'
body = 'your message'
data = {
'number' => number,
'body' => body
request =
request["Authorization"] = token
request["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
request.body = JSON.dump(data)
response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
void main() async {
final String url = '';
final String token = 'Bearer 123456789';
final String number = '447455941979';
final String body = 'WaboTify';
final Map data = {
'number': number,
'body': body,
final headers = {
'Authorization': token,
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
final response = await
headers: headers,
body: jsonEncode(data),
Java (con OkHttp):
import okhttp3.*;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
String number = "447455941979";
String body = "your message";
String token = "Bearer 123456789";
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
RequestBody requestBody = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\"number\":\"" + number + "\",\"body\":\"" + body + "\"}");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("Authorization", token)
.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
try {
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
} catch (Exception e) {
C# (con HttpClient):
using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
string number = "447455941979";
string body = "your message";
string token = "Bearer 123456789";
var data = new { number, body };
var jsonData = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data);
var content = new StringContent(jsonData, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
using var client = new HttpClient();
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", token);
var response = await client.PostAsync("", content);
var responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
package main
import (
func main() {
number := "447455941979"
body := "your messagesu mensaje"
token := "Bearer 123456789"
data := []byte(`{"number":"` + number + `","body":"` + body + `"}`)
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", bytes.NewBuffer(data))
req.Header.Set("Authorization", token)
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
client := &http.Client{}
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
defer resp.Body.Close()
// Leer la respuesta
// body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
// fmt.Println(string(body))
Swift (para iOS con URLSession):
import Foundation
func sendWhatsAppMessage() {
let number = "447455941979"
let body = "your messagesu mensaje"
let token = "Bearer 123456789"
let url = URL(string: "")!
var request = URLRequest(url: url)
request.httpMethod = "POST"
request.addValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
request.addValue(token, forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization")
let parameters: [String: Any] = [
"number": number,
"body": body
request.httpBody = try? parameters)
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, error in
guard let data = data, error == nil else {
print(error?.localizedDescription ?? "No data")
if let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse {
print("Status code: \(httpResponse.statusCode)")
if let responseString = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) {
print("Response data: \(responseString)")
Note : This is an advanced feature developed for professionals with the required knowledge.
Live Chat
The live chat module is where customer conversations are managed and includes multiple tools that simplify client interactions. Below, we detail the various tools.
Go to Chats in your side menu. You can view messages awaiting attention in the PENDING tab.

DEPARTMENTS: You can filter conversations by departments assigned by the bot. You will only see the departments to which you have been assigned. Ask your administrator to assign departments to you via the Team/Operators/Users module.

PENDING CONVERSATIONS: You can view pending chats and preview them by clicking on the "eye" icon. You can see which number or line the message came from, along with the first and second tags to view the assigned department. You can also ACCEPT or END the conversation.

CREATE A CHAT ROOM: By clicking the "NEW" button, you can create a new chat by searching for or creating a new user, selecting the WhatsApp line you want to use, and assigning a department to the conversation.

CHAT TOOLS: After accepting the chat, it will move to the ASSIGNED tab, where you can converse with the client and use multiple tools such as a signature (which includes your username with each message), emojis, file sharing, and voice notes.

MESSAGE MANAGEMENT: You can manage messages individually by replying or deleting them. Deleted messages will remain as "ghost messages" visible on the platform for audit purposes but will be removed for users and devices.

Quick Responses: To send quick responses, go to the text box and type the forward slash "/" followed by the keyword. This will display a list of available keywords. Click on the desired keyword to insert it. To send the message, press ENTER or click the send icon. For creating quick responses, seeHere.

MENU:Click the three dots at the top right corner of the chat to access the menu, where you can: 1. Schedule a message, 2. Transfer the conversation to another department or user, 3. Delete the conversation. You can also mark the conversation as RESOLVED by clicking the green checkmark icon or return the conversation to the PENDING list by clicking the back arrow icon.

MANAGE CONTACT:To manage a contact, first click on their name or profile picture. A window will appear where you can: 1. Deactivate the bot for that contact, 2. Add notes, 3. Edit the contact and add additional information.

TAGS: Tags are identifiers that help segment conversations.

Note: To view messages already assigned to departments by the bot, you must have those departments assigned in the user settings by the administrator.
Auto-Response Bot
The auto-response bot handles recurring information for clients within each department. You can create multiple levels, as many as you need, by following specific patterns for multi-level menus to work.
To create an auto-response bot flow, go to the Options section.

1-Level Auto Response: 1-level auto-responses work as follows: Add an option and provide an automatic response that the client will receive. If you want to add deeper levels, leave this response blank and add second-level options.

2-Level Auto Response: You can filter conversations by departments assigned by the bot. You will only see the departments to which you have been assigned. Ask your administrator to assign departments to you via the Team/Operators/Users module.

Auto Response Level 3: You can filter conversations by departments assigned by the bot. You will only see the departments you have been assigned to as a user. Ask your administrator to assign you to departments via the Team/Operators/Users module.

Structure Example
├── Level 1 Option 1 with no response │
│ ├── Level 2 Option 1 with no response │ │
│ │ ├── Level 3 Option 1 with response │ │ │ └── Level 3 Option 1 Response │ │ │
│ │ └── Level 3 Option 2 with response │ │ └── Level 3 Option 2 Response │ │
│ └── Level 2 Option 2 with no response │ │
│ └─── Level 3 Option 1 with response │ └── Level 3 Option 1 Response │
└── Level 1 Option 2 with response └── Level 1 Option 2 Response
Note : You can create as many levels as needed. Each new level opened must not have a response.
The scheduling module allows you to create scheduled messages for specific contacts. This can be a tool to send reminders to your clients. You can also attach a file to the message.
1. You can create schedules from different sections. First, go to the chat window of the client conversation, click the three-dot menu in the top-right corner, and select Scheduling.

2. Go to the Scheduling module under the CUSTOMER SERVICE section in your left-side menu to view the scheduling calendar.

3. To create a new scheduled message, click the "NEW SCHEDULE" button at the top-right corner of your screen and fill in the required fields.

Note : After creating the scheduled message, you can edit or delete it.
Internal Chat
1. Internal Chat is a tool to create one-on-one or group chat rooms for your team.
To create a one-on-one or group chat room, go to the left-side menu, navigate to the Tools section, and click on "Internal Chat".
2. Click the "New Chat Room" button, give the chat room a title, and add team members by searching for their usernames in the "Filter by Users" search box.
3. Once the title is set and team members are added, click Save to create the internal chat room for you and your team.

Note : This is a great tool for multiple departments or for quick team communication.
The Contacts module lists clients who are automatically saved when communicating through WhatsApp or other channels. From this module, you can manage your clients.
1. Send messages directly via WhatsApp by clicking the WhatsApp icon in the Actions section of the contacts list.
2. Filter users by tags using the "Filter by Tags" box at the top of the contacts list screen.
3. Edit contact information by clicking the pencil icon in the Actions section of the contacts list, then adding or editing the information.
4. "Deactivate chatbot for this contact" in the contact edit popup screen.
5. Add additional data to the contact by clicking the "Add Information" button. Enter a field name and value, and don’t forget to save your changes.

Note : You can block contacts by clicking the check icon, the third option in the Actions section of the contacts list. This option may not be available for some device versions or WhatsApp versions installed on your device.
Help Center "Tutorials"
The Help Center contains a series of video tutorials created by the Administrator. You can find it in the left-side menu under Tools labeled as Tutorials.

Note : Remember to contact the administrator if you can’t find the help you need.
The Dashboard module is an administrator-exclusive section that provides information such as:
1. Membership information and expiration date.
2. A graph of daily conversations segmented by hours.
3. Metrics filters like pending messages, ongoing messages, completed messages, new contacts, average response time, and average waiting time.
4. A list of agents showing metrics of their performance or client ratings, average response time, and status.

Note : To enable conversation ratings, activate this option in the Settings module.
Announcement Center
The Announcement Center is where the super administrator sends notifications. It’s located in the top horizontal menu bar and includes:
1. A button to toggle between light and dark modes.
2. Notification volume settings.
3. Platform reload for data updates.
4. Message notifications.
5. Announcements. WaboTify
6. Internal chat messages.
7. Edit profile and log out options.

Tasks is a global tool where the administrator or any user can add tasks to a list. It can be used for daily objectives or work plans.

Note : Any user can create global tasks.
WhatsApp Campaigns List
WhatsApp message broadcasts are mass messages sent from a contact list, supporting file attachments, message variables, and personalized messages. Before starting, register a WhatsApp account and create a contact list in advance.
1. In the left-side menu, go to the "MARKETING" section, expand the Campaigns option, and select Broadcast Contacts if you want to send the campaign from a contact list using an Excel file (.csv format).

2. If you don’t want to use an Excel (.csv) file, you can also send mass messages to contacts by tags. Go to the "MARKETING" section, expand the Campaigns option, and select Broadcast List. Click the "NEW LIST" button, and a popup window will open where you can add a name to identify your list. Don’t forget to save the list.

3. After creating the broadcast list, click the pencil icon to create the message.
Name = The name of the broadcast.
Confirmation = Enable confirmation to send a confirmation message.
Contact List = Select a previously created Excel contact list.
Tags = You can send to contacts with active tags for unresolved active conversations.
Connection = Select one of the active WhatsApp accounts.
Scheduled = Select the date and time for sending.
Msg = You must create 5 message variables. This is an anti-blocking measure for cold contacts.
File = You can attach files.

4. To view the report, go to the "Broadcast List" window and click the list icon in the Actions section to view the delivery report.
Valid Contacts = List of contacts with active WhatsApp accounts.
Requested Confirmations = Confirmation sent, indicating the message was sent but not delivered (single check mark).
Confirmations = Confirmation sent and delivered (double check mark).
Delivered = Read messages.
Connection = Account used for the mass broadcast.
Contact List = Source of contacts used for sending.
Scheduled = Scheduled date and time of the broadcast.
Conclusion = Status (pending, in progress, canceled).

Note You can personalize the broadcast message with variables. Check the available variables.
You can create a contact list for WhatsApp broadcasts by going to the left-side menu in the "MARKETING" section (available to administrators only), expanding the Campaigns option, and clicking "WhatsApp Broadcast Contacts".
1. Click the "New List" button and add a name.
2. If uploading a list via Excel, click the first download icon in the Actions section of the created contact list to download the template.
3. After creating the contact list in Excel and following the same template format, click the second contacts icon in the Actions section of the WhatsApp Broadcast Contacts list.

1. Within the broadcast contact list options, you can manually add contacts by clicking the "NEW" button.
2. You can import a pre-created contact list by clicking the "IMPORT" button and uploading the list.

WhatsApp Broadcast Settings
Send delay: This setting is an anti-blocking measure to introduce variable delays between messages so that WhatsApp’s algorithm detects a natural delay. You can configure ranges.
Random delay interval = 0 to 20 seconds for the first send interval.
Longer interval = 0 to 20 seconds for the second send interval.
Longest interval = 20 to 60 seconds for the longest send interval.
Variables = These are not identifiers but fields with a name and value, allowing you to create long texts and insert variables into the message text box.

Note : Don’t forget to save the settings.
WaboTifyOpen Ai
WaboTifyEl modulo Dashboard es una seccion exclusiva para el administrador donde podra encontrar informacion como
WaboTify1. Informacion y el vencimiento de la membresia
WaboTify2. Una grafica de las conversaciones del dia segmentadas por horas
WaboTify3. Filtros de metricas como mensajes pendientes, mensajes atendiendose, mensajes finalizados, nuevos contactos, tiempo de promedio de atencion, tiempo promedio de espera.
WaboTify4. Una lista de los agentes donde se muestra las metricas de su atencion o calificacion de los clientes tiempo promedio de atencion su estatus

Note : WaboTifypara que las conversaciones reciban calificaciones debes activar esta opcion desde el modulo de configuraciones
WaboTifyEl modulo Dashboard es una seccion exclusiva para el administrador donde podra encontrar informacion como
WaboTify1. Informacion y el vencimiento de la membresia
WaboTify2. Una grafica de las conversaciones del dia segmentadas por horas
WaboTify3. Filtros de metricas como mensajes pendientes, mensajes atendiendose, mensajes finalizados, nuevos contactos, tiempo de promedio de atencion, tiempo promedio de espera.
WaboTify4. Una lista de los agentes donde se muestra las metricas de su atencion o calificacion de los clientes tiempo promedio de atencion su estatus

Note : WaboTifypara que las conversaciones reciban calificaciones debes activar esta opcion desde el modulo de configuraciones
WaboTifyEl modulo Dashboard es una seccion exclusiva para el administrador donde podra encontrar informacion como
WaboTify1. Informacion y el vencimiento de la membresia
WaboTify2. Una grafica de las conversaciones del dia segmentadas por horas
WaboTify3. Filtros de metricas como mensajes pendientes, mensajes atendiendose, mensajes finalizados, nuevos contactos, tiempo de promedio de atencion, tiempo promedio de espera.
WaboTify4. Una lista de los agentes donde se muestra las metricas de su atencion o calificacion de los clientes tiempo promedio de atencion su estatus

Note : WaboTifypara que las conversaciones reciban calificaciones debes activar esta opcion desde el modulo de configuraciones
WaboTifyEl modulo Dashboard es una seccion exclusiva para el administrador donde podra encontrar informacion como
WaboTify1. Informacion y el vencimiento de la membresia
WaboTify2. Una grafica de las conversaciones del dia segmentadas por horas
WaboTify3. Filtros de metricas como mensajes pendientes, mensajes atendiendose, mensajes finalizados, nuevos contactos, tiempo de promedio de atencion, tiempo promedio de espera.
WaboTify4. Una lista de los agentes donde se muestra las metricas de su atencion o calificacion de los clientes tiempo promedio de atencion su estatus

Note : WaboTifypara que las conversaciones reciban calificaciones debes activar esta opcion desde el modulo de configuraciones
WaboTifyEl modulo Dashboard es una seccion exclusiva para el administrador donde podra encontrar informacion como
WaboTify1. Informacion y el vencimiento de la membresia
WaboTify2. Una grafica de las conversaciones del dia segmentadas por horas
WaboTify3. Filtros de metricas como mensajes pendientes, mensajes atendiendose, mensajes finalizados, nuevos contactos, tiempo de promedio de atencion, tiempo promedio de espera.
WaboTify4. Una lista de los agentes donde se muestra las metricas de su atencion o calificacion de los clientes tiempo promedio de atencion su estatus

Note : WaboTifypara que las conversaciones reciban calificaciones debes activar esta opcion desde el modulo de configuraciones

WaboTify4. Una lista de los agentes donde se muestra las metricas de su atencion o calificacion de los clientes tiempo promedio de atencion su estatus

Note : WaboTifypara que las conversaciones reciban calificaciones debes activar esta opcion desde el modulo de configuraciones
WaboTify Condiciones De Uso
WaboTify Condiciones De Uso WaboTifyTu perfil .
WaboTify Politicas de Privacidad
WaboTify Politicas de PrivacidadWaboTify Tu perfil .
WaboTify Politicas de Cookies
WaboTify Politicas de Cookies WaboTifyTu perfil .
WaboTify Variables Disponibles

WaboTify Las variables te permiten insertar pequeños fragmentos de codigo con un clic dentro de textos para el envio de mensajes
WaboTifyPrimer Nombre
WaboTify Inserta el primer nombre guardado del contacto o el primer nombre que el contacto tenga en su perfil.
WaboTify Inserta el nombre completo guardado del contacto o el primer nombre que el contacto tenga en su perfil.
IWaboTify Inserta el nombre del agente u operador que esta enviando el mensaje.
WaboTify Inserta un saludos automaticamente dependiendo del horario local puede ser Buen dia, buenas tarde, buenas noches.
WaboTify Inserta Esta funcion es util para automatizar ya que envia una sertie de numeros que hacen alucion a fecha, hora, chat id dando como resultado un numero de 12 digitos o mas que sera diferente en cada mensaje.
WaboTify Inserta la fecha actual en el mensaej.
WaboTify Inserta la hora actual.
WaboTifyNº de Conversacion
Inserta el Id del chat room de cada conversacion.
WaboTify Inserta el nombre del departamento al que el chat esta asignado.
WaboTify Inserta el nombre de la conexion que el administrador asigno a la cuenta de WhatsApp.
Note : WaboTify Sin no tienes guardado al contacto y el contacto no configuro su nombre en su aplicacion de whatsapp el sistema tomara el contenido del nick del usaurio esto podria ser emojis, o cualquier informacion que el cliente tenga en el nick de su cuenta de whastapp